July 1, 2024
How your home can easily meet IBHS’ Wildfire Prepared Home designation

Creating a Wildfire Prepared Home is a MISSION POSSIBLE! 

Calling all Wildfire Defenders! Your mission (and you need to accept it) is to create a Wildfire Prepared Home. 

The IBHS' (Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety) program is called Wildfire Prepared Home and provides details on how to prepare your home with actions backed by science. 

To help simplify the steps and enable Wildfire Defenders to share the simple actions with their communities, we created this short explainer video to show how wildfire mitigation practices are not big or impossible tasks for a homeowner to do. Since most rooves in California are class A rated these days, most of these additional mitigation tasks can be DIY and completed over a weekend or two.

Creating a Wildfire Prepared Home is easier than you might think. A Mission Possible some might say... 

Community and insurance benefits to creating a Wildfire Prepared Home 

Community resilience starts with Firewise Communities and Wildfire Prepared Homes. And some insurance companies are beginning to ask that homeowners can demonstrate that they've taken the minimum necessary steps to protect their property. 

Please share this video with your community and neighborhood, because together we're stronger against the threat of Wildfire. We’ve also created a comprehensive guide to protecting your home from Wildfire, and you’ll find helpful step-by-step installation videos on how to install Wildfire Defense Mesh on vents and decks on our YouTube channel.  

Ready to take on your Mission Possible and create a Wildfire Prepared Home? Wildfire Defense Mesh and our friends at IBHS are here to help!