May 29, 2024
Wildfire Defense Mesh™ is Now in Full Compliance with California Building Code

We’re proud to announce that Wildfire Defense Mesh™ has now achieved full compliance with California Building Code (CBC), Chapter 7A, for vertical use in vent retrofits to help protect structures against wildfire embers and flames. Its unique Triple Shield Technology is now proven effective against the 3 threats of wildfire: ember attack, radiant heat, and direct flame. 

“It’s a great day for all homeowners and communities with wildfire risk exposure to help decrease their risk from the three threats of a wildfire event. Wildfire embers can travel for miles, and vents are among the most vulnerable and common entry points for an ember to penetrate a home. After years of research, development, and product effectiveness testing, we now offer an approved, low-cost product that can be easily retrofitted to any existing vent or new builds and is compliant with Chapter 7A, 706A.” James Greer, VP, Wildfire Defense Mesh™

Wildfire Defense Mesh - Tested and Listed

Wildfire Defense Mesh™ has been tested and listed by QAI Laboratories, meeting the CBC, Chapter 7A, 706A.2 requirements for WUI vents tested to ASTM E2886 and listed when installed vertically. 

Our testing has shown that Wildfire Defense Mesh™ outperforms other mesh products in several ways, including a minimum of 95% effective in stopping dangerous embers, reducing radiant heat by ~38% with no significant reduction in airflow compared to a 1/8” mesh of a similar percentage opening.

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